821 Buck Jones Road, Raleigh, NC +01919 532 0620 info@gethope.net

FV Looking Forward Widows (Judy Lundberg)

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FV Looking Forward Widows (Judy Lundberg)

"We are an amazing group of women "Looking Forward" with our eyes and hearts wide open.  God has called our husbands home, but we continue to live!  We share praises and prayers in a safe environment followed by a Bible Study that has been agreed upon.  We connect and support one another thru a private Facebook page or text messages and have a scheduled lunch once a month.  We know this path we are on is not an easy one and nobody really understands except us.  Please consider joining us as we navigate it together."

Currently Studying for 6 wks., "God's Unbreakable Promises" by Jenny Allen (Feb. 2025).


Wednesday @ 10:00 AM


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